Module: Proxy

Proxy R objects on the webR worker thread so that they can be accessed from the main thread.

Table of contents

Type Aliases


Type Aliases


Ƭ DistProxy<U>: U extends RObject ? RProxy<U> : U

Distributive conditional type for RProxy.

Distributes RProxy over any RWorker.RObject in the given union type U.

Type parameters

Name Description
U The type union to distribute RProxy over.

Defined in



Ƭ Methods<T>: { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Function ? P : never }[keyof T]

Obtain a union of the keys corresponding to methods of a given class T.

Type parameters

Name Description
T The type to provide the methods for.

Defined in



Ƭ ProxyConstructor<T, R>: T extends (…args: infer U) => any ? (…args: { [V in string | number | symbol]: U[V<V>] }) => Promise<R> : never & { [P in Methods<typeof RObject>]: RProxify<typeof RObject[P]> }

Create a proxy constructor based on a RWorker.RObject class.

The class constructors and static methods of the given subclass of RWorker.RObject are proxied, and the proxied constructor returns a promise to an R object of a given RProxy type.

Type parameters

Name Description
T The type of the RWorker.RObject class to be proxied.
R The type to be returned from the proxied class constructor.

Defined in



Ƭ RProxify<T>: T extends any[] ? Promise<DistProxy<T[0]>[]> : T extends (…args: infer U) => any ? (…args: { [V in keyof U]: DistProxy<U[V]> }) => RProxify<ReturnType<T>> : T extends { output: RObject ; result: RObject } ? Promise<{ [U in keyof T]: DistProxy<T[U]> }> : Promise<DistProxy<T>>

Convert RWorker.RObject properties for use with an RProxy.

Properties in the type parameter T are mapped so that RProxy is distributed over any RWorker.RObject types, then wrapped in a Promise.

Function signatures are mapped so that arguments with RWorker.RObject type instead take RProxy<RWorker.RObject> type. Other function arguments remain as they are. The function return type is also converted to a corresponding type using RProxify recursively.

Type parameters

Name Description
T The type to convert.

Defined in



Ƭ RProxy<T>: { [P in Methods<T>]: RProxify<T[P]> } & { _payload: WebRPayloadPtr ; [asyncIterator]: () => AsyncGenerator<RProxy<RObject>, void, unknown> }

Create an RProxy based on an RWorker.RObject type parameter.

R objects created via an RProxy are intended to be used in place of RWorker.RObject on the main thread. An RProxy object has the same instance methods as the given RWorker.RObject parameter, with the following differences: - Method arguments take RProxy in place of RWorker.RObject.

  • Where an RWorker.RObject would be returned, an RProxy is returned instead.

  • All return types are wrapped in a Promise.

If required, the Payload.WebRPayloadPtr object associated with the proxy can be accessed directly through the _payload property.

Type parameters

Name Type Description
T extends RObject The RWorker.RObject type to convert into RProxy type.

Defined in




newRClassProxy<T, R>(chan, shelter, objType): ProxyConstructor<T, R>

Proxy an RWorker.RObject class.s

Type parameters

Name Description
T The type of the RWorker.RObject class to be proxied.
R The type to be returned from the proxied class constructor.


Name Type Description
chan ChannelMain The current main thread communication channel.
shelter string The shelter ID to protect returned objects with.
objType "string" | "symbol" | "function" | "raw" | "null" | "pairlist" | "closure" | "environment" | "promise" | "call" | "special" | "builtin" | "logical" | "integer" | "double" | "complex" | "character" | "dots" | "any" | "list" | "expression" | "bytecode" | "pointer" | "weakref" | "s4" | "new" | "free" | RCtor The R object type or class, 'object' for the generic RWorker.RObject class.


ProxyConstructor<T, R>

A proxy to the R object subclass corresponding to the given value of the objType argument.

Defined in



newRProxy(chan, payload): RProxy<RObject>

Proxy an R object.

The proxy targets a particular R object in WebAssembly memory. Methods of the relevant subclass of RWorker.RObject are proxied, enabling structured manipulation of R objects from the main thread.


Name Type Description
chan ChannelMain The current main thread communication channel.
payload WebRPayloadPtr A webR payload referencing an R object.



An RObject corresponding to the referenced R object.

Defined in



targetMethod(chan, prop, payload): unknown


Name Type
chan ChannelMain
prop string
payload WebRPayloadPtr



Defined in
